Jean pierre braganza bio
Jean-Pierre was..
Jean-Pierre Braganza is unknown in his homeland.
Having made his show debut off-schedule in , Jean-Pierre Braganza inspired by things like Bauhaus and futuristic sci-fi movies has designed his A/W '
He doesn't care
23 May: National Post (Canada). For a "young designer," Jean-Pierre Braganza is pretty old. He's 35, married with child, and his avant-garde fashion career just turned 10... Jean-Pierre Braganza reminds Karl Lagerfeld of a young Karl Lagerfeld...
So, when will this Canadian ex-pat and London's perennial next-big-talent outgrow the y-word? "When I stop acting young!" he exclaims, winking a brilliant blue-green eye... 723 words. Click here.
Jean-Pierre is the son of D.A.
Braganza who emigrated to the UK in the late 60's from India and Joan (nee Scanlan) from Ireland. They then moved to Canada in 1976.
London UK based luxury advanced contemporary fashion brand.
His grandparents were from Lahore, Karachi, Bombay and Belgaum and two of his great grandparents from Mapusa and Assagao. For the Braganza website with fashion collections, photos, videos, etc. Click here.
For the pdf of his March 2009 Milan show click here.
USA: Robert and Priya D'Souza: Their Small Way of Giving