John piper martin luther biography
Luther is perhaps best known for his recovery of the doctrine of justification by faith, a right understanding of the righteousness of God.
This short book presents a sketch of Luther's life and distills relevant lessons for all Christians, especially pastors and leaders..
Martin Luther: Lessons From His Life and Labor
Some of my takeaways:
God's Word above all...
Luther cherished God's word:
"He wrote in 1533, "For a number of years I have now annually read through the Bible twice. If the Bible were a large, mighty tree and all its words were little branches I have tapped at all the branches, eager to know what was there and what it had to offer."
He cherished God's word above any commentators and, while he was well versed in the commentaries, he leaned towards using God's word alone:
“He who is well acquainted with the text of Scripture," Luther said in 1538, "is a distinguished theologian.
For a Bible passage or text is of more value than the comments of four authors.”
"The Scriptures alone are our vineyard in which we ought all to work and toil."
“Instead of running to the commentaries and fathers he says, "I beat importunately upon Paul at that place, most ardently de