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Political science books and authors list pdf

          Political science book pdf.

          25 Most Influential Political Science Books 2010–2020

          Taking the breadth of the field into consideration, we have compiled a list of the most influential books in political science from the past decade (2011–2021).

          Best political science books of all time

        1. Best political science books of all time
        2. Books on politics for beginners
        3. Political science book pdf
        4. Best political writers today
        5. Best political science books for beginners
        6. We have assigned an objective measure of “influence” to each book on the basis of the number of references it has received in both the academic literature and the popular media.

          Note that our list does not necessarily represent the most popular political science books overall published during the past ten years, nor is it a straightforward list of political science bestsellers during that time frame—for several reasons.

          For one thing, we have excluded political science textbooks, as well as sacred texts and fictional works which may contain political science-related material.

          Several works included on this list are classics in the field, and thus quite old.

          Nevertheless, ours is not a list of the most influential political science books of all time. Such a list would