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George boole contributions to mathematics

          George boole children.

          What is george boole famous for

        1. What is george boole famous for
        2. How did george boole die
        3. George boole children
        4. Where was george boole born
        5. George boole death
        6. George Boole

          Born: Nov 2, 1815, in Lincoln, Lincolnshire, England
          Died: Dec 8, 1864 (at age 49) in Ballintemple, County Cork, Ireland
          Nationality: English
          Famous For: Boolean Logic

          George Boole was an English mathematician and the founder of an algebraic tradition in logic.

          George worked as a schoolmaster and from the year 1849 to 1864, he was a professor of mathematics at Queen’s University in Cork, Ireland. He was not only a mathematical genius, but he was also a fine humanitarian as well.

          A strong minded person, George was always prepared to engage in bitter arguments with his academic colleagues.

          George boole invention

          He revolutionized logic by applying methodologies from the field of symbolic algebra to logic. Today, his revolutionary advances in maths are fundamental aspects of electronics and computer science. His Boolean Algebra is utilized to design and operate computers as well as other electronic devices.

          Boole’s Early Years

          George Boole was born in 1815 in