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Government title in the Indian subcontinent
Mukhi (mukhia) is the title used for a head of community or village elites[1] and their local government in Western India and Sindh.[2] It is derived from the word mukhiya meaning 'foremost', and prior to Indian independence they were the most powerful person in each community, imbued with both civil and judicial powers.[3][4]
Mukhi headmen generally came from the wealthiest [5] or most prominent families within their community[6] and acted as the presidents of the local panchayats.[7][8] According to local traditions, the Mukhi could be a hereditary position inherited by the eldest son[7] or an elected position, as were the panchayats.
Decisions made by the panchayat were accepted by their communities and did not require enforcement.[9] In developed areas, many also held high positions in business.[10]