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Sainte rafka biography sample paper

          Saint rafqa miracles.

          Rafqa Pietra Choboq Ar-Rayès 
          (1832 - 1914)


          Rafqa in Himlaya (1832-1859)

          Rafqa was born in Himlaya, one of the villages of Northern Metn (Lebanon), on June 29, 1832.

          She was the only child of Mourad Saber el-Choboq el Rayess and Rafqa Gemayel.

          On July 7, 1832 she was baptized and named Boutroussieh.

          St rafqa feast day

        1. St rafqa feast day
        2. How did saint rafqa die
        3. Saint rafqa miracles
        4. What is saint rafqa known for
        5. Saint Rafka Maronite Church is a Catholic.
        6. Her parents taught her the love of God and the practice of daily prayer. At age seven, she suffered her first great loss with the death of her mother.

          In 1843, her father experienced financial difficulties and sent her into service for four years in the home of Assaad Badawi.

          Rafqa grew into a beautiful, pleasant, humorous young woman, pure and tender with a serene voice.

          In 1841, she returned home to find that her father had remarried. His new wife wanted Rafqa to marry her brother. Conflict developed when her aunt sought to arrange a marriage between her son and Rafqa.

          Rafqa in the Congregation of the Mariamettes (1859-1971)

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